Arbour Glen Day Nursery


Welcome Toddlers! When your little one is about 18 months, they will transition to one of our Toddler groups. Here they will have the opportunity to explore their budding independence and enjoy some exciting new adventures.

If your child was in our Infant program, we will already know a little bit about them and they will be familiar with us. Our priority is getting to know you and your child even better and developing meaningful relationships. In our group, your little one will enjoy having a consistent yet flexible routine that gives them the security Toddlers love.

Our Educators observe the Toddlers to provide an environment that reflects their interests and supports their ongoing development in all areas. This is also a time when they further increase their social and emotional well-being through discovery and enquiry, playing alongside one another and starting to share and take turns. Toddlers are also about movement. Our indoor environment has room for large motor play, but nothing compares to our wonderful outdoor space that provides further challenges. Your child will run, play, take new risks and experience new adventures. Our outdoor summer program invites them to dig in the sand beneath our shady sugar maple, splash in water play activities and have fun on the riding toys. And of course, hugs and cuddles never go out of style!

Our Educators will be there each morning to welcome you and your child and to hear about how their night was. We believe the connection with families is very important to a child’s development. We take lots of photos that document babies busy at play and use ‘Seesaw’, a digital online portfolio app, to share with you a glimpse into their time spent with us! You will receive occasional snapshots of something special they are doing, and an online portfolio of your Toddler’s ‘amazing moments’ will be compiled for you. Participation in ‘Seesaw’ is optional, so we will create paper portfolios for those who choose not to be involved. We also post ‘Learning Stories’ that share a little of what we’ve been up to, so don’t forget to check our bulletin boards and other documentation. A small note will be waiting for you at pick up time, that shares about how well your child ate and slept that day.

Meet our

Toddler Room Educators

At Arbour Glen, we have 2 Toddler groups, each with up to 15 children between 18 months and 30 months of age. There are 5 Registered Early Childhood Educators (RECEs) and 1 ECE Apprentice between the two groups. Our Toddler teams are always tuned-in to the needs of each child in their group. They are kind and nurturing caregivers who have the skills, experience and wisdom to work with toddlers.

Monica, RECE for Arbour Glen Toddler Day Care Program

Monica, RECE

Monica has been an ECE since 2019 and with Arbour Glen since 2023.

“Working with children allows me to be the one who encourages them to wonder why and create a space where they can have what they need to be successful. I love giving them time to experience the moments when they figure out for themselves how things work”.

Kalyssa, RECE for Arbour Glen Toddler Day Care Program

Kalyssa, RECE

Kalyssa has been an ECE since 2011 and with Arbour Glen since 2012.

“If there’s anyone here named ____”. When they stand up and blow kisses at that point in the song, they get so excited – it’s something special and fun to watch!”

Kristy, RECE for Arbour Glen Toddler Day Care Program

Kristy, RECE

Kristy has been an ECE since 2000 and with Arbour Glen since 2002.

“I love anything messy! Mud Day is one of my favourite days – it is super fun, and especially great to see the apprehensive children get really into the activities.”

Nina, RECE for Arbour Glen Toddler Day Care Program

Nina, RECE

Nina has been an ECE since 2020 and with Arbour Glen since 2021.

“It is a privilege to have the opportunity to be in touch with my inner child every day. Being able to be silly and creative while providing a caring and supportive environment is my greatest joy”.

N Lorna, RECE for Arbour Glen Toddler Day Care Program

Lorna, RECE

Lorna has been an ECE since 1989 and with Arbour Glen since 2015.

“Seeing the smiles on a child’s face after they accomplish something is just priceless! I love documenting for the children’s portfolios as well – a handprint, a footprint or a photo or a story to capture that moment in time.”

What our families say

“Arbour Glen is a parents dream. When we were able to get a spot, we were overjoyed. A clean and positive environment staffed with the most caring professionals I have ever met and managed by impeccably wonderful people. Our daughter is in one of the toddler rooms, yet every single person in the centre knows her name, and I know in my heart that everyone one who works at Arbour Glen truly cares about every infant, toddler and pre-schooler. All parents should feel reassured and worry-free as we do.”
- John Siambanopoulos

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